OU Convenes Community Leaders’ Meeting With U.S. Secretary Of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano

Posted on August 27, 2012 In News, Press Releases

August 27, 2012
Contact: Nathan Diament

Today, the Orthodox Union – the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization – convened a meeting in New York City between Orthodox Jewish community leaders and the Hon. Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

Topics discussed included the Secretary’s current assessment of America’s overall security, the security of the American Jewish community as the High Holy Days approach, and the ongoing importance and operation of the Nonprofit Security Grant Program — under which DHS has provided many Jewish and other nonprofit entities with financial aid to improve their facilities’ security.

Along with senior leaders of the Orthodox Union, including its president, Dr. Simcha Katz, and chairman, Stephen Savitsky, also participating in the meeting were rabbinic and lay leaders of several synagogues and Jewish day schools from the New York metropolitan area.

Nathan Diament, the Orthodox Union’s executive director for public policy, stated:

“The Orthodox Union and our constituent synagogues and schools are deeply grateful for the work of Secretary Napolitano and DHS and their partnership with us in keeping our community safe and secure.  We appreciate Secy Napolitano’s ongoing commitment to this effort through the Nonprofit Security Grant Program and so many other channels.”
