Orthodox Union Condemns Recent Act of Violence Against Arab Youth in Jerusalem

Posted on August 22, 2012 In News, Press Releases

August 22, 2012
Contact: Stephen Steiner, 212-613-8318

Today, the leadership of the Orthodox Union, the largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization in the United States, issued the following statement commenting on an assault by several Jewish youths against several Arab youths in Zion Square, Jerusalem last Thursday:

“As Orthodox Jews we are guided by our Torah principles, among which are the pursuit of peace, the rights of all human beings to justice, and the value of human life. As supporters of the State of Israel, and as an organization which endorses the Jewish religious character of the State, we urge all Jewish citizens of the State to follow its laws, which guarantee the security of all citizens of Israel whether or not they are Jewish. We applaud President Peres and Prime Minister Netanyahu for their strong condemnations of these recent acts and reaffirmations of these fundamental Jewish values.”
