The 2008 Orthodox Union U.S. Presidential Voter Guide presents a concise listing of quotes, comments, and voting records for each of this year’s two presidential candidates on select issues of interest to the Orthodox Union and its membership. For example, McCain voted yes on the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, Obama was not yet a Senator; on Iran McCain “vows never again to allow a second Holocaust”, Obama “supports tough, direct presidential diplomacy with Iran without preconditions.” The issues range from Israel policy and stances on maintaining a unified Jerusalem, to school choice initiatives and federal workplace religious freedom protection. The voter guide also includes candidate positions on homeland security and the current Iranian threat.
The OU is a tax-exempt, non-partisan organization and does not endorse or oppose candidates for elective office. The OU/IPA encourages all its members to study the issues and candidates’ positions carefully and vote in an informed and intelligent fashion in this critical election.
Download the 2008 Orthodox Union U.S. Presidential Voter Guide.