Askanim Optimistic on Incoming Speaker Paul Ryan

October 29, 2015

By Rafael Hoffman

 The official election of Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House of Representatives brought hopes of unity and progress to a fractured Congress as well as to his own party. Those involved in advocacy on behalf of the Jewish community likewise welcomed his ascent, considering him a kindred spirit on many key policy issues.

Those who have had closer-up views of the new Speaker in his native Wisconsin were extremely positive as well.

Nathan Diament, executive director of public policy for the Orthodox Union, also noted the former Speaker’s commitment to issues close to the community and was equally positive about his successor.

“John Boehner was a great legislator and leader to work with, as we did over the years, especially on issues the OU cares most about — the security of Israel and educational opportunity and choice. The good news is that Paul Ryan is committed to these policies and values as well, and we look forward to working with him.”

Click here to read the full article in Hamodia.