On December 6, members and leadership of Beth Israel Congregation of Malden met with representatives from the Brown, Coakley and Capuano Massachusetts Senate campaigns for a state candidates forum. The representatives fielded questions on issues of concern to the Malden jewish community, Massachusetts, and the nation as a whole.
Matthew Ross (representing State Senator Scott Brown), Matthew Garland
(Executive Director, Congregation Beth Israel), Kate Auspitz (Issues Director, Congressman Mike Capuano), State Representative Katherine Clark (representing Attorney General Marthe Coakley.)
(Executive Director, Congregation Beth Israel), Kate Auspitz (Issues Director, Congressman Mike Capuano), State Representative Katherine Clark (representing Attorney General Marthe Coakley.)
Rachel Judelson (sign language interpreter) State Rep Katherine Clark fielding questions (seated in the middle)
Matthew Garland (Executive Director, Congregation Beth Israel) with Kate Auspitz (Issues Director, Congressman Mike Capuano)
Matthew Garland with State Rep Katherine Clark