Days before Yom Kippur, Congress wants to scale back funding that keeps Jews safe

Posted on April 11, 2024 In Op-ed

By Nathan Diament

As American Jews fast and pray on Yom Kippur, politicians in Washington will debate scaling back one of the most essential government programs for protecting Jewish lives.

This year’s High Holidays overlap with a crucial event on the Washington Beltway calendar: budget negotiations. The Senate Appropriations Committee has proposed cutting $18 million from the Nonprofit Security Grant Program.

Created in 2004 through the efforts of the Orthodox Union and other Jewish advocacy groups, the $305 million program provides federal funds to nonprofits for security improvements. Since its inception, it has been instrumental in providing shuls and schools with increased resources to protect themselves.

The timing of the proposed cuts could not be worse. Antisemitism is at the highest levels it’s been in decades. A study released last week by the ADL shows antisemitic incidents rose 36% in 2022.

Source: The Forward