De Blasio Adds UPK Requirement Options To Accommodate Jewish Day Schools

by Jacob Kornbluh

February 18, 2014

After the de Blasio administration proposed the idea of universal pre-kindergarten for all four-year-old New Yorkers, many private schools from the Jewish and Catholic faith had issues with the new plan.

After months of intensive negoatiations and a media campaign by The Orthodox Union’s Advocacy Teach NYS, the de Blasio administration announced it will be adding some options that the majority of Yeshivas and other specialized schools said made them unable to offer the city-funded service to their students.

The new rules will go into effect for the upcoming school year beginning in September 2015. They will be sent out later this week to all non-public pre-K providers in a letter from Richard Buery, the city’s deputy mayor who is charged with overseeing the program, obtained by JP.

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