Game On – Barack vs Hillary on the Jewish Court

Posted on January 14, 2008 In Blog

We’ve been predicting with Feb. 5 looming and Jewish votes mattering we’d see action – especially on the Democratic side. Well, game is on!

Late last week, the Hillary Clinton campaign convened a conference call for “Jewish leaders” with HRC’s senior adviser Ann Lewis who extolled Sen. Clinton’s pro Israel record. Early this week, Team Obama will counter this week with their conference call featuring Democratic Obama-supporting Congressmen Adam Schiff, Steve Rothman and Robert Wexler.
An email campaign is also underway with Camp Clinton circulating comments by Chicago Jewish leader J.B. Pritzker supporting Hillary, and Obama circulating supporting words for their man by their windy city J community leader – Lester Crown and the recent NY Sun editorial. Stay tuned, this game will go all the way to the final buzzer!