Interesting fact from yesterday’s results are the unusual influence the Orthodox Jewish community played in key House, Senate and Governors races. The Orthodox vote was the only segment of the Jewish community to vote to the right. Both the liberal J Street and the Republican Jewish Coalition issued post-election surveys which validated Orthodox electoral influence across the board. J Street’s national survey had the Orthodox community at a 53 to 44 percentage vote for the Republican party. Once again, the Orthodox community is viewed by candidates as a key voting bloc. The OU saw this pattern play out as we engaged in over 40 local and national races where we had candidates vying for time with our communities and leadership.
Some highlights of key influence in Orthodox communities included:
Gubernatorial – Scott, Corbett, Synder, Deal, Walker
Senate – Toomey, Rubio, Portman, Blunt, Kirk, Johnson
House – Chabot, Gerlach, Tiberi, West, Grimm, Runyan, Barletta, Quayle
Posted by Maury Litwack