OU Advocacy Applauds Senate Foreign Relations Committee for Passing Bill to Stop U.S. Aid to PA Until it Stops Funding Terrorists and Their Families

Posted on August 3, 2017 In News, Press Releases

The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization, applauded the Senate Foreign Relations Committee action today approving a bipartisan bill to suspend U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) until it stops using the funds to reward terrorists for killing Israelis, Jews and others – as well as giving life-long stipends to the families of those imprisoned for acts of terrorism.

The vote in favor of the Taylor Force Act (S.1697), named for the Vanderbilt University graduate student and former U.S. Army officer stabbed to death in Jaffa by a Palestinian terrorist last year, would make future U.S. assistance that directly benefits the PA contingent on the PA ending its ‘pay-for-slay’ policies. All Republicans on the committee, along with Democrats Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Robert Menendez (D-N.J), Tim Kaine (D-Va.) Chris Coons (D-De.), Ed Markey (D-Ma.) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) voted for the bill.

In its 2017 budget, the PA allocated $344 million in foreign aid for terrorists and their families.

For almost a year, OU Advocacy Center Executive Director Nathan Diament has been actively involved in building support for the Taylor Force Act, encouraging and educating other legislators about the need to end the Palestinian Authority’s practice of ‘pay for slay.’ Here’s the PA’s schedule of payments to terrorists and their families.

Said Diament:
“This strong bipartisan vote by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today moves toward ensuring that the U.S. will not tolerate – or pay for – violence and terrorism against Israelis, Americans and others. This bill is long overdue and we thank Chairman Corker, Ranking Member Cardin and the committee for taking this significant step toward thwarting Palestinian terrorism. We also thank the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Lindsey Graham, for his passionate and steadfast leadership on this issue.”

Said Orthodox Union President Mark (Moishe) Bane:
“Today, U.S. lawmakers crossed an important hurdle in ending U.S. support for Palestinian terrorism. We thank all those on the committee who supported the Taylor Force Act and look forward to its passage by the full Senate.”