OU Angered by Burger King Decision to Close Ma’aleh Adumim Franchise

Posted on August 27, 1999 In Press Releases

The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the largest mainstream Orthodox Jewish organization with nearly 1,000 member synagogues nationwide, today expressed its shock and deep disappointment about the decision made by Burger King to close its franchise in Ma’aleh Adumim, a suburb of Jerusalem.

We are deeply disappointed that the Burger King organization has given into calls for a boycott led by Arab-American and Muslim-American groups. This represents a return to the pre-peace negotiations tactics of economic warfare against Israel which was initiated in 1947.

This kind of support for economic strangulation of a community that is supposed to be able to live in peace with its neighbors as negotiations are being conducted in order to find solutions that will lead toward peaceful coexistence is not only an attempt to prejudice the outcome of the negotiations through economic boycott, but reveals a profoundly anti-peace attitude causing one to doubt whether those who have claimed to support the peace process really, in fact, do so.

All our member synagogues and constituents are asked to write to the address below in order to express their outrage at this irresponsible capitulation to boycott tactics by Burger King. Letters should go out immediately to:

Mr. Dennis Malamatinas, CEO
Phone: 305-378-3770

Burger King Corporation
Fax: 305-378-7403

17777 Old Cutler Road
email: cedwards@whopper.com

Miami, FL 33157 and asuarez@whopper.com