Today, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America welcomed and applauded this morning’s announcement by President Bush of 4 goals he would like to achieve with regard to the President’s faith-based initiative.
The President’s announced his goals in an address to American faith leaders in Washington this morning attended by several UOJCA leaders including Board Chair Harvey Blitz, Public Policy Chair Mark Bane, Public Policy Director Nathan Diament.
The President’s announced goals are:
1. Expand the ability of program beneficiaries to choose the kind of federally funded program they wish to attend.
2. Better ensure that state and local governments do not discriminate against faith-based providers in their administration of federal funds.
3. Have Congress codify this year consistent “charitable choice” rules which preserves and protects the religious liberties of faith based groups with regard to hiring and governance issues.
4. Have Congress pass this year tax code incentives for increased charitable donations, including tax-free IRA “rollovers” and food donations
UOJCA policy chairman Mark Bane stated that “we welcome and appreciate President Bush’s clear and continuing commitment to having the government support the “armies of compassion.”
UOJCA policy director Nathan Diament stated “we look forward toward achieving the 4 goals President Bush laid out today and their catalyzing the work of faith-based groups to better serve our society.”