Orthodox Union (New Jersey) Denounces Use of “Nazi” Rhetoric in New Jersey Politics
Today, the New Jersey Regional Office of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, representing more than 50 Orthodox Jewish congregations in the state, added its voice to those offended by the comments made by Mr. Craig Shelton of the CWA at a rally in Trenton on June 16th.
OU Regional Director of Public Policy Josh Pruzansky issued the following statement:
“While political debate is not only acceptable, but a right, we insist and expect such debate be conducted with civility. Comparing the Governor and Legislative Leadership to Hitler, a man guilty of genocide and leader of those who perpetrated a Holocaust, is repugnant. On behalf of our Garden State Jewish community members, we expect and we insist that Mr. Shelton, union officials, public officials and community leaders never resort to such offensive rhetoric.”