The OU & RCA deeply mourn the deaths and delayed interments of Pvt. Yosef Fink and Pvt. Rahamin Alsheik who were captured in an ambush by the terror groups Hezbollah in 1986. Our grief over their untimely and tragic deaths has not diminished with time, as we acknowledge the return of their remains to kevurat Yisrael.
We abhor the political blackmail by Hezbollah which used their lives as pawns and held the bodies hostage for so many years. We note the pain and anguish of the families who for ten years received no information on their status or whereabouts, in violation of the Geneva Accords.
We continue to be vigilant in the aim to free the remaining hostages. We hope that this will lead to continued negotiations that will lead to the freeing of the remaining hostages very soon. We appeal to the conscience of world leaders to do all they can to expedite the process that will lead up to the freedom of the remaining Israeli Missing in Action.
This IPA statement is issued on behalf of the Rabbinical Council of America and the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America.
For additional information, please e-mail or call the IPA office at (212) 613-8128.
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