Monday night, Jews across America, Israel and the world will sit down to celebrate Passover 5770 and the Seder.
As the holiday looms, the current tensions between the Obama Administration and Netanyahu Government remain unresolved and many are wondering what the strategy at play is.
But as we recall that this all began (and continues) with a feud over the Jewish presence in Jerusalem (which Bibi Netanyahu defended so well at AIPAC), we have to wonder – when we all are at Passover Seder Monday, and loudly declare: “NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM,” will we all be subject to censure by the Administration? By the EU? By the UN?
And what will they say at The White House seder? “Next year in a yet-to-be-negotiated part of Jerusalem?”
We think we should all say “next year in Jerusalem” with a little more intent and oomph this year…and listen for the echoes…