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The Orthodox Union remains saddened by the heinous attack on Congregation Tree of Life in Pittsburgh, but is resolved to work to ensure the security of all our synagogues. Synagogues —and all houses of worship—should be sanctuaries where we may worship in peace. Unfortunately, places of worship are too often deemed as “soft targets” for domestic and foreign terrorism and other violent attacks.
Please join our efforts to bolster security within these at-risk institutions and contact your United States Representative and urge him/her to fund the Department of Homeland Security’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) at $60 million in FY 2019 by signing a bipartisan letter circulated by House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and Ranking Member Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.). The letter urges leaders of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees to fully fund the NSGP. It has already been signed by 78 U.S. Representatives. We want this number to exceed 100 to have maximum effect.
While the NSGP was funded in FY 2018 at $60 million, initial versions of Senate budget bills recommended a cut in funding for FY 2019. At a time when our religious institutions most need protection, the NSGP is a necessary program to make our synagogues, schools, and other houses of worship more secure.
Since its creation in 2005, the Orthodox Union and its coalition partners have led the effort to annually appropriate funds for the NSGP program which supports critical security enhancements at our community institutions.
Take Action Today: Contact your U.S. Senators and Representative and urge them to support fully funding the NSGP at $60 million for FY 2019.
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