Dear Recipient's Title and Name:
I am writing today to ask that you ensure that Congress include relief for the charitable sector in the next round of coronavirus relief legislation.The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic has greatly expanded the need for charitable organizations to provide additional services to our communities.
Especially now, America’s nonprofit charities are frontline responders providing food, shelter, medical services and other critical services to those in need in their communities. At the same time, we know that the economic downturn will dramatically reduce donor contributions and other sources of revenue on which nonprofit charities rely to survive.Without dramatic and immediate financial assistance from the federal government, America’s charitable nonprofit and the people we serve will be forces to cut services – or even close their doors - at a time when our efforts are needed by the most vulnerable in our communities.
America’s charitable nonprofits need an immediate infusion of $60 billion in capital to maintain operations, expand scope to address increasing demands, and stabilize losses from closures throughout the country. Below are specific recommendations for assistance to help the nonprofit sector stay engaged serving the American people:
- Expressly include charitable nonprofits in the $300 Billion loan fund for businesses, including airlines. The charitable sector needs an immediate infusion of $60 billion and the loan program is a fast way to get cash in the hands of organizations serving immediate needs in communities, yet facing lost and declining revenue due to the pandemic.
- Improve the above-the-line charitable deduction by raising the cap to $2,000 and allowing taxpayers to immediately claim the deduction on their 2019 taxes (due on July 15), and afterwards through2021.Charitable nonprofits of all sizes should be able to participatein the emergency Small Business Loan Program by using the tax-law definition of charitable organizations (Sec. 501(c)(3) public charities) and removing the language excluding nonprofits that receiveMedicaid reimbursements.
- Provide charitable nonprofits — including shuls and day schools — the ability to receive up to $10 million each (initially in the form of loans, but they can be forgiven) in a $300 billion program administered by the Small Business Administration.
- Enable K-12 parochial day schools and yeshivas the ability to receive an equitable share (as determined by student population) of a $12 billion “education stabilization fund” for K-12 schools. The funds will be available through local governments and public school districts to provide a very wide range of services for nonpublic K-12 schools. (We will provide greater details in a future guidance update.
We are grateful that Congress has passed the first wave of emergency relief. As you consider additional legislation for relief, please stand with America’s nonprofit charities and allow our organizations to continue to provide frontline services. For additional information, please see the list of members and specific recommendations from our nonprofit coalition here.
Your Full Name