Dear Recipient's Title and Name:
I am writing on behalf of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America—the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization—to ask that you fund the Nonprofit Security Grant Program at the highest possible level and vote in favor of the FY2021 Homeland Security Appropriations bill when it comes before the full Senate.
The Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP)—a crucial part of the Homeland Security Appropriations bill—is an initiative vital to the security of nonprofit Jewish organizations across the nation. This grant program provides awards of up to $100,000 to nonprofit organizations deemed “at-risk” of a terrorist attack—including synagogues, schools, museums, and other houses of worship and nonprofits—for purchasing and installing building security equipment and hiring and training security personnel.
In July, the House Appropriations Committee approved funding for the NSGP at $360 million. We are grateful the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations bill is funded at $90 million, and urge Senate conferees to come as close as possible to the House number.
Unfortunately, the recent increase in anti-Semitic threats and attacks in Jewish communities across the nation make funding for the NSGP more important than ever. In December 2019, five people were stabbed in Brooklyn and Monsey, New York, while celebrating Chanukah. In October 2018, 11 Jews were killed at the Tree of Life congregation in Pittsburgh—the deadliest such attack in the United States. Six months later, a gunman killed a congregant at a synagogue in Poway, California. At a time when many institutions are at risk of violence, the NSGP provides an important step towards greater security and protection for vulnerable institutions.
Please stand with the Jewish community and vote in favor of the FY2021 Homeland Security Appropriations bill.
Your Full Name