Dear Recipient's Title and Name:
I am writing today to ask that you support the American Rescue Plan because it includes key provisions to support nonprofit charities in the Jewish community and other communities of faith. The coronavirus pandemic has greatly expanded the need for charitable organizations to provide additional services to our communities. Especially now, America’s nonprofit charities are frontline responders providing food, shelter, medical services and other critical services to those in need in their communities. At the same time, we know that the economic downturn has dramatically reduced charitable contributions and other sources of revenue on which nonprofit charities rely to survive.
Without additional dramatic and immediate financial assistance from the federal government, America’s charitable nonprofit and the people we serve will be forced to cut services—or even close their doors—at a time when our efforts are most needed by the most vulnerable people in our communities.
The specific provisions that are critical to include in the American Rescue Plan are:
· A new expansion of Paycheck Protection Program forgivable loans to nonprofit charities that employ more than 500 employees;
· A new allocation of $2.75 billion to deliver services and assistance to nonpublic K-12 schools impacted by the Covid emergency;
· An increase in the rate of government reimbursement to nonprofit charities for their unemployment insurance obligations.
Each of these programs holds the prospect of delivering essential and unprecedented federal financial support to our community.
We are grateful for the emergency relief packages Congress has already passed, and we ask that you continue to stand with America’s nonprofit charities and allow our organizations to continue to provide frontline services.
Your Full Name