Dear Recipient's Title and Name:
I am writing to thank you for supporting the omnibus appropriations bill, which contains four legislative items that are important to Jewish communities across the country. These items are:
- A significant increase and expansion of expansion of the Nonprofit Security Grant Program that provides grants to our schools, shuls and other nonprofits to improve building security.
- The authorization of new federal grants for school safety at all K-12 schools
- Preserving federally funded professional development programs for teacher training and other professional development programs in the Title II-A “Every Student Succeeds Act.”
- The enactment of the Taylor Force Act, which will suspend U.S. financial aid to the Palestinian Authority as long it pays financial stipends to terrorists and their families.
The increase in security grants will make our synagogues and schools safer; maintaining teacher training grants will help our students succeed; and the Taylor Force Act will make Israelis and Americans in Israel safer.
We greatly appreciate your continued support for the Jewish community.
Your Full Name