Threat of Obama surprise on Israel worries Congress, Jewish groups

Posted on November 7, 2016 In Blog, News

WASHINGTON – Major Jewish organizations are united in their opposition to President Barack Obama’s reported plan for a “December surprise” to undercut Israel and bolster the campaign for a Palestinian state.

Obama is considering six possible steps concerning Israel that he would take in December before the inauguration of the next president, Jonathan Schanzer, Ph.D., vice president of the Washington think tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told

One option is unilateral U.S. recognition of the Palestinian Authority as a sovereign “state of Palestine.” Such a step would be “harmful to the prospects of achieving peace,” said Nathan Diament, executive director of the Orthodox Union’s Advocacy Center. “Such a unilateral action would reinforce the notion to the Palestinians that they can achieve their goals by some means other than direct negotiations with the government of Israel.”

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