URGENT ACTION ALERT-Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act

Posted on July 2, 1998 In Press Releases

Rabbis, Synagogue Leaders, IPA Key Contacts, InfoNet

Richard B. Stone, Chairman
Betty Ehrenberg, Director of International Affairs

Re: Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act

Call your member of Congress to override Iran Missile Veto!

The Institute for Public Affairs of the Orthodox Union has been a staunch supporter of the Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act, a bill designed to stop the continuous flow of missile technology to Iran by enforcing penalties with those who do business with Iran which fund Iranian sponsorship of its nuclear weapons program.

This bill, IMPSA, was passed by the United States Congress in early June, however, the act was vetoed. This veto sends a message that the United States is weak in its commitment to fighting the battle against the global proliferation of non-conventional weaponry, including nuclear weapons.

IMPSA would impose sanctions on countries exporting missile technology to Iran and would apply to foreign governments or businesses where there is credible evidence of the transfer or attempted transfer of goods, technology, or technical assistance that contribute to Iran’s effort to acquire, develop, or produce ballistic missiles.

The Russian government continues its support for Iran’s missiles programs. China recently transferred some 1000 tons of steel to Iran for use in missile fabrication. Since Iranian nuclear capabilities are dangerously imminent, this legislation is critical.

The override of this veto and the passage of IMPSA is crucial and timely. The passage of IMPSA will demonstrate the seriousness of U.S. concern over the great danger of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Though Congress is out for the July 4th recess, efforts to override the veto of the Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act must continue. Calls must be made into Washington Congressional Offices and meetings must take place in home district offices. This is crucial as the House and Senate will likely vote on the veto override during the third week in July.

Call your members of Congress today at 202-224-3121 and ask for their commitment to override the veto.

Ask your Senators and Congressional Representative to make a public statement in support of the override in a press release, public speech, or letter.

Write a letter today to your Senators and Congressman urging them to vote to override the veto stressing the importance of the passage of IMPSA.

Your Senator Honorable _______________

United States Senate

Washington, DC 20510

Your Representative Honorable ______________

United States House of Representatives

Washington, DC 20515

Stress the following points in your letter:

1. IMPSA places sanctions on foreign entities that aid in Iran’s missile development program.

2. If we do not act now, Iran could produce medium range missiles by next year.

3. Israeli Trade Minister, Natan Sharansky, cited a recent report that Iran is developing missiles that are able to hit targets 1,250 miles away.

4. This is not about trade-this is about American and global security.

5. Sanctions against Iran’s missile development should be a critical part of U.S. diplomatic policy.

It is important that you act on this now. Timeliness is crucial.

If you require more information please call Betty Ehrenberg, Director of International Affairs, 212-613-8124.

A list of names and addresses of elected officials is linked to this memo. Kindly call us at 212-613-8123 if you need more information. In addition, we would greatly appreciate receiving any copies of your letters as well as responses you may receive from your elected officials. They can be sent to the Institute for Public Affairs, 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001 or e-mailed to feedback@ou.org

We thank you for your immediate attention to this urgent matter.