The 5 Towns Jewish Times
September 22, 2014
On Monday, September 22, Orthodox Union’s newly appointed executive vice president, Allen Fagin, along with director of field operations Jake Adler and New York director of political affairs Jeff Leb, visited the Masbia Soup Kitchen Network. Helping to prepare tzimmes with Masbia chef Ruben Diaz, they learned about Masbia’s plans to meet the growing numbers in need of food during the High Holy Days and beyond. Masbia’s three “restaurant without registers” soup kitchens and client-choice food pantries provide neighbors in need with yom tov staples, including tzimmes, apples, honey, challah, and chicken. To learn more or donate, visit
On Tuesday, September 23, Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito joined Queens Jewish community members in the Rosh Hashanah ritual of dipping apples in honey, prepared by chef Diaz at Masbia of Queens.