Trenton, NJ – In the wake of bomb threats at Jewish community centers across the United States, the Orthodox Union Advocacy Center called on the New Jersey legislature to pass the Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Program (A-425), a bill to allocate security funds to houses of worship, synagogues and nonprofits.
A-4253 has been introduced by New Jersey Assemblywoman and Chairperson of the Assembly Homeland Security Committee Annette Quijano and her colleagues, Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle and Assemblyman Raj Mukherjifor.
If passed, this important legislation would provide up to a $10,000 state grant per institution eligible to receive a Federal Homeland Security Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) award. The new funding will be used to hire security personnel at critical junctures throughout the year. Funding through the $3 million program will be allotted in three equal installments totaling up to $1 million annually.
The Orthodox Union Advocacy Center successfully worked to pass the federal Nonprofit Security Grant Program in 2005 to help religious institutions and other nonprofits make their buildings more secure, but the federal funds cannot be used to hire security personnel. The Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Program will fill that critical need and keep New Jersey safe.
“The bomb threats at Jewish institutions this month underscore the unique security threats faced by religious organizations and nonprofits,” said Nathan Diament, Executive Director for Public Policy for the Orthodox Union. “These institutions serve tens of thousands of young children and senior citizens daily who had to be evacuated following the threats. We are very grateful to Assemblywoman Annette Quijano and her colleagues for their efforts in introducing this legislation and urge the New Jersey Legislature to pass this bill.”