President George W. Bush
The White House
Dear President Bush,
On behalf of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, we write to express our deep appreciation for your strong support of the State of Israel as she faces renewed and escalating acts of terrorism.
Words cannot express our shock at the heinous acts of violence perpetrated upon innocent Israelis in recent weeks escalating from daily rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel, to the kidnapping of a soldier in southern Israel to the opening of hostilities by Hizbollah from the Lebanese border. We applaud your strong condemnation of these murderous attacks, are grateful for your expressions of sympathy toward the victims, and support your demand that the Palestinian Authority and the leaders of Syria, Iran and others with influence put an end to their provocative actions.
Mr. President, we thank you for your consistent and principled leadership in the global battle against terrorism and for your staunch commitment to the safety and security of Israel.
Today’s date on the Jewish calendar is the 17th of Tammuz. This date marks the beginning of a three week period of mourning for the siege and destruction of ancient Israel and Jerusalem. As sad as this period is for Jews around the world, it also reminds us of our perpetual hope for a redemption which brings peace and hope to Israel and the entire world. At this grim hour for Israel, we will continue to cling to this hope and pray that through the principled leadership of yourself, Prime Minister Olmert and others the current conflict might open a pathway to peace.
Stephen Savitsky, President
Rabbi T. Hersh Weinreb, Executive Vice President
Mark Bane, Chairman, Institute for Public Affairs
Nathan J. Diament, Director, Institute for Public Affairs