The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish synagogue organization, applauded the recent House passage of H.Con.Res.398, a resolution authored by International Relations Committee Chairman Henry Hyde (R-IL) and Ranking Member Tom Lantos (D-CA) which calls upon all signatories of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), including the United States, to use all appropriate measures to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.
Among the rogue regimes in the Middle East, Iran remains the foremost threat to the United States and Israel. Iran is accelerating its efforts to acquire missiles and weapons of mass destruction and is increasing its activities to support terrorist attacks. Iran provides millions of dollars to the families of suicide bombers and has set up organizations that recruit terrorists. Iran remains the chief sponsors and financial backer of the Palestinian terrorist organizations operating in the West Bank and Gaza and supplies Hezbollah with advanced rockets, including long range Katyusha rockets capable of striking deep into Israel. In a recent report, the International Atomic Energy Agency detailed eighteen years of deception by Iran which concealed from the IAEA that is has been enriching uranium and separating plutonium – activities whose sole purpose is to create nuclear bombs. Iran has also been developing missiles that can strike at any point in Israel and would be able to deliver payloads of unconventional weapons.
The Orthodox Union applauds the House for passing H.Con.Res.398 by an overwhelming majority, sending the important message that Iran cannot continue to fund and coordinate terrorist activities and organizations. As the Senate considers a similar bill, S.Con.Res.81, introduced by Senators Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), we look forward to its passage as well. We again thank the Representatives for passing this important and timely legislation and for their strong commitment to ensuring that Iran does not obtain nuclear capabilities.