The United States House of Representatives is scheduled to vote today on H.Res.246, a resolution “opposing efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel and the Global Boycott, Divestment, and...
OU Advocacy Archived actions
The fate of EITC scholarships and school safety for schools will be determined by decisions made within the next week.
We have big news to share regarding EITC - the scholarship tax credit program that helps so many of our students attend Jewish day schools! A bill to expand...
Please thank the Governor and leadership in the State Assembly and State Senate for their support of AB 1548, and encourage them to support the budget request as...
We need your help to galvanize more bill sponsors and thank those who have already signed on! Please fill out the form below to send an already-formatted note to...
Please take a moment to show your hakarat hatov to the New York State Senators and Assembly members who made this possible. Send this action alert to all of...