Honorable Moshe Katzav
The Knesset, Jerusalem
Via Fax
Dear President-Elect Katzav,
On behalf of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the largest mainstream Orthodox Jewish organization in North America with nearly one thousand synagogues, we congratulate you on your election to the office of President of the State of Israel. With your vast experience in public service to the State of Israel as Deputy Prime Minster, Minister, Deputy Minister and Mayor, your expertise in so many areas of Israeli government and public service will ensure that you will be an outstanding representative of Israel and the Jewish people. We are especially proud that as an Israeli government official who is also steeped in the Jewish tradition you will be most able to represent the people of Israel all across the spectrum.
We are proud to inform you that our organization is expanding our representation in Israel including the building of a brand new center in Jerusalem from which we will direct many of our Israel programs. Each year, more than one thousand members of our youth movement come to study in Jerusalem and Efrat and to tour Eretz Yisrael. We also have widely-acclaimed programs for Russian olim, American olim and educational programs open to the general Israeli public.
We hope to be able to meet with you soon and to welcome you in your new capacity as President of Israel.
Mazal Tov on your election as President of the State of Israel. Please feel free to call on us if we can ever be of assistance as we pledge to work together with you for the State of Israel and the Jewish people.
Mandell I. Ganchrow, MD
Rabbi Raphael Butler
Executive Vice President
Betty Ehrenberg
Director, International Affairs