The Charleston Post and Courier editorializes –
“Expanding school choice expands educational opportunities. So why limit school choice to the public education system?
The obvious answer: politics. The education establishment remains a powerful force influencing state legislatures — and Congress. It also remains steadfastly opposed to helping even small numbers of poor children transfer to private schools from public schools that are shortchanging them.
Against that familiar backdrop, an S.C. Senate education subcommittee held a hearing at the Statehouse Thursday to consider arguments for and against proposed legislation that would provide tax credits and scholarships for low-income and special-needs children to transfer from struggling public schools to private schools.”
To read this article in its entirety, please click here.
The Orthodox Union echoes these sentiments as recently, the OU testified in front of the South Carolina State Senate in support of S.520, the Educational Opportunity Act which would create a tax-credit program for non-public schools in the state of South Carolina.
The OU explained that such legislation would allow “ corporate South Carolina to step up and partner with their local communities to ensure their employees today have the best opportunities for their own children while simultaneously ensuring that today’s schoolchildren – the employees of tomorrow, are trained and ready to work when they graduate”.
As advocates of constitutionally permissible aid to empower parents to choose the best education for their children, we at the Orthodox Union are very pleased to see that people in the state of South Carolina are fighting to implement a school tax credit program.