by Jacob Kornbluh
December 3, 2014
The NYC Council’s Jewish Caucus and the Orthodox Union Advocacy-Teach NYS on Wednesday welcomed the de Blasio administration’s reassurance to Jewish community leaders that an RFP to apply for half-day pre-kindergarten in the next school year will be released “in the near future.”
In a letter issued on Monday to Agudath Israel of America, Deputy Mayor Richard Buery assured the Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn and elsewhere in the city that more half-day pre-K seats will be available next year and that an RFP will be released as the year progresses.
The Mayor’s office recently released a full-day pre-kindergarten RFP requiring schools to offer 6.2 hours of UPK a day. Since the full-day program is challenging for private schools to take part in because it would require more school hours than most private schools offer for four-year-olds, leaving no time for religious education, the community asked for an immediate half-day RFP.
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