Today, the leadership of the Union of the Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (OU) congratulated newly-elected Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti, who is the first Jewish mayor of that city in more than 130 years.
As a candidate, Mayor Garcetti participated in a candidates’ forum featuring all five of the leading candidates for mayor and co-sponsored by the OU; CivicCare, a Los Angeles-based Jewish grassroots organization; and the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles. Held at Beth Jacob Congregation in Beverly Hills, the event was attended by more than 300 members of the Los Angeles Jewish community. CivicCare led the debate which covered many issues, including economic development, public safety, transportation and a candid conversation on Jewish day school affordability.
OU President and Los Angeles resident Martin Nachimson stated, “We congratulate Mayor Garcetti and wish him a hearty mazal tov on his election and great success in his new position. As a city councilman and a mayoral candidate, Mayor Garcetti showed great sensitivity and understanding of the issues and concerns facing the Los Angeles Jewish community. We look forward to working with him to develop creative solutions to the challenges facing the city and its abundant and diverse population.”
Maury Litwack, director of state political affairs and outreach for the OU, said, “This election is a proud moment for the Jewish community due to both the election of the first Jewish mayor of Los Angeles and the active civic participation of the Jewish community during this important race. We thank the leadership of CivicCare for partnering with us to help educate the community on the candidates’ positions and the importance of voting.”
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The Orthodox Union is the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization; its Advocacy Center leads the OU’s advocacy efforts in Washington, DC and state capitals