December 23, 2009
Orthodox Union Commends Establishment of NJ Commission to Study Non-Public Education
Outgoing governor fulfills commitment to Orthodox leaders
The Orthodox Union (Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America), the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization, today commended Governor Jon S. Corzine of New Jersey for establishing a Study Commission on New Jersey’s Non-Public Schools. The study commission was first discussed in an Orthodox Union facilitated meeting this past October between Governor Corzine and Orthodox Jewish leadership. While the Governor and those assembled differed on tax credit and similar programs, the Governor agreed more should be done for these struggling schools and for all New Jersey’s students, regardless of where they are educated. At that time, he committed to establish a study commission as a first step in that process.
Howie Beigelman, OU Deputy Director of Public Policy stated:
“We are grateful to the outgoing Governor, Jon Corzine, for keeping his word, as are families across New Jersey, for whom this will be a fitting legacy and capstone to the Governor’s tenure.”
The commission is chaired by Assemblyman Gary S. Schaer (D-36) and Dr. George Corwell, Director of Education for the NJ Catholic Conference and will issue its recommendations in June 2010. It will determine what services and funding the schools and students are entitled to and how to ensure they get them. As well, the commission will recommend to the Governor and the Legislature proposed changes in law or regulation to better serve all of New Jersey’s students.
Howie Beigelman further stated:
“Gary Schaer is a committed advocate and no one knows New Jersey’s education landscape better than George Corwell. Once we have their recommendations, we look forward to partnering with Governor-elect Christie and the Legislature to implement them.”