OU Advocacy 2014 Nonprofit Security Grant (NPSG) Program Webinar

Posted on March 27, 2014 In Blog

Earlier this year, the OU Advocacy Center, in partnership with the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) and congressional allies, secured a $13 million allocation in the FY2014 federal budget for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP)—a $3 million increase from last year’s budget. The NSGP delivers federal financial aid to nonprofits to upgrade the physical security of their facilities. Since its creation, OU Advocacy and our partners have secured more than $100 million in security grants—the majority of which has gone to Jewish community institutions.

Please check the link below for information about your state’s application process and deadline. With less than 65 days to submit the applications your state Homeland Security offices, it is imperative that all interested synagogues and day schools prepare their applications immediately. Please note that there are some key changes to this year’s application. For example, in FY 2014 the number of Eligible Urban Areas has changed from 25 to 39, so please check the list below to see if your area is eligible and join on our webinar to get more information.

To better help Jewish synagogues and day schools prepare for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program application, the Orthodox Union hosted an interactive webinar moderated by Jesse Hervitz, OU Advocacy Associate Director for Congressional Affairs. The presentation was led by David Pollock, Associate Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York. During the webinar, Mr. Pollock explained the grant process and provide detailed descriptions on how each component of the investment justification should be answered. If you were unable to attend the webinar or would like to review it, a recording has been made available below.

To download the 2014 NSGP Investment Justification table, click here.

To find your state DHS contact and information, click here.

For any additional information on this year’s webinar, please contact Jesse Hervitz, Associate Director for Congressional Affairs at hervitzj@ou.org or call (202) 513-6484

FY 2014 NSGP UASI-Eligible Urban Areas State/Territory Urban Area


Phoenix Area


Anaheim/Santa Ana Area Bay Area

Los Angeles/Long Beach Area

Riverside Area

Sacramento Area

San Diego Area


Denver Area

District of Columbia National Capital Region


Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area Orlando Area Tampa Area


Atlanta Area


Honolulu Area


Chicago Area


Indianapolis Area


New Orleans Area


Baltimore Area


Boston Area


Detroit Area


Twin Cities Area


Kansas City Area

St. Louis Area


Las Vegas Area

New Jersey

Jersey City/Newark Area

New York

New York City Area

North Carolina

Charlotte Area


Cincinnati Area

Cleveland Area

Columbus Area


Portland Area


Philadelphia Area

Pittsburgh Area


Dallas/Fort Worth/Arlington Area

Houston Area

San Antonio Area


Salt Lake City Area


Hampton Roads Area


Seattle Area

Click here to access more details about eligibility requirements and the NSGP application process.

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/NYxWZl4pJqY”]