OU Advocacy Applauds Record-Breaking $454 Million to Protect Jewish Institutions

Posted on August 26, 2024 In Press Releases

OU Advocacy Applauds Award of Record-Breaking $454 Million to Protect Jewish Institutions Amid Rising Anti-Semitism

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (“OU”) – through its OU Advocacy Center applauded an announcement made Friday by the Department of Homeland Security allocating a historic $454.5 million in Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). OU Advocacy led the effort to establish the NSGP in 2005 and is fighting for further funding for fiscal year 2025.

NSGP provides federal grants to nonprofit institutions that face a heightened risk of terrorism to enhance their security. The 2024 allocation represents a $149.5 million increase from fiscal year 2023 and a vital step toward safeguarding Jewish institutions across the United States.

The increased funding comes at a time of record-breaking antisemitism in the United States.

“The increased funding is not just financial support; it’s a vital response to the virus of antisemitism spreading across our country,” said Nathan Diament, Executive Director for Public Policy at the Orthodox Union. “OU Advocacy spearheaded the creation of the NSGP, and we will continue fighting every day to make sure Jewish synagogues and schools can protect themselves.” 

OU Advocacy remains committed to leading efforts that protect Jewish life in America, ensuring that every institution has the security it needs in these increasingly dangerous times.
