At this crucial and difficult time in the life of the State of Israel, the Orthodox Union, the Rabbinical Council of America, Emunah of America, the Religious Zionists of America, and Poalei Agudath Israel call for an elevation of the level of discourse among the various political, social and religious factions in Medinat Yisrael. The use of excessive and inflammatory rhetoric by any individual or group is reprehensible and is to be disavowed and repudiated. At the same time, however, responsible forceful and articulate expressions of legitimate opposition or support for government policies are the hallmark of a democratic society.
As organizations that have historically been ardent supporters of Medinat Yisrael, its people and the governments they elect, we must share our concern regarding reported incremental concessions being made in the negotiations with the Palestinian Authority. Ceding any control of parts of Jerusalem or endangering its unity as the capital of the Jewish state is anathema to world Jewry.
Our concern for our brethren who reside in all areas of Eretz Yisrael compels us to speak out. Turning over the vast majority of Yehudah, Shomron and Gaza, relocating tens of thousands of Israeli Jews from these areas and allowing thousands of Palestinians to resettle those same areas, without reciprocal commitments or concessions, appears to reward the Palestinians for non-compliance and for violating understandings.
We implore the leadership of the State of Israel to consider well its sacred historical role in determining the destiny of our people and in preserving its unity and to understand that it must build a national consensus when such decisions are involved.
We conclude with fervent prayers for harmony within Israel and for a peace with her neighbors that does not compromise the secure future of Israel.