The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish synagogue organization, applauded today’s passage of the Syria Accountability Act by the U.S. Senate by a vote of 89 – 4. This important step in the war against terrorism, introduced by Senators Rick Santorum (R-PA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA), makes clear to the regime in Damascus that it must take steps to cease and desist from its support of terrorism or suffer sanctions.
Betty Ehrenberg, Director of International and Communal Affairs, declared, “Today’s passage in the Senate of the Syria Accountability Act marks a milestone in the war against state-sponsored terrorism. Syria has long been on the State Department list of state sponsors of terrorism for support of many terrorist groups headquartered in Damascus, such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad. With a green light from Syria, Hezbollah has conducted numerous cross-border terrorist attacks against Israel which have claimed the lives of many innocent Israelis. The fact that Syria has occupied Lebanon for more than 25 years, using it as a springboard for international terrorism, can no longer be tolerated with impunity.
“The Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003 calls on Syria to stop supporting terrorism, remove its troops from Lebanon, and to cease its development of weapons of mass destruction and the methods with which to deliver them. The passage of the Syria Accountability Act will help to put an end to economic and international cooperation with Syria and will be an important tool in making Syria accountable for the responsibility she bears for the terrorism wreaking havoc across the globe.
“The Orthodox Union again praises the Senate and Senators Boxer and Santorum for helping to send a clear message to the Syrian government that it must no longer support terrorism or else suffer the consequences. We thank the Senate for this measure that strengthens America’s resolve in the fight against global terrorism and that will help bring stability not only to the Middle East but to the whole world.”