Today, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America condemned the terrorist bombing perpetrated by Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the coastal town of Netanya.
Leaders of the organization issued the following statement in reaction to this tragic event:
The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations condemns today’s terrorist act against innocent Israelis in Netanya. Our thoughts and prayers are first and foremost with the victims and their families.
While we appreciate the fact that Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas quickly condemned this despicable act by Palestinian terrorists, words alone are an insufficient reaction. Mr. Abbas has condemned violent acts before, but what he has committed – to Israel and to the United States – to do is confront the terrorists within the Palestinian areas and dismantle their ability to conduct such acts. To date, there is no evidence that Mr. Abbas has attempted to fulfill this responsibility. He must fulfill this critical responsibility or be consigned to history as another failed leader of the Palestinian populace.
The Orthodox Union appreciates the Bush Administration’s recognition that “there is no justification for the murder of innocent civilians,” that Israel has every right to defend itself and the security of its citizens, and that the first step in the Road Map plan for peace is that Palestinians are obliged to dismantle the terror groups. President Bush and his foreign policy team must hold Mr. Abbas accountable for this threshold commitment. Mr. Abbas must concretely demonstrate his capacity to confront and dismantle the terrorists within the Palestinian populace or face the withdrawal of American support.