The Institute for Public Affairs of Orthodox Union was deeply dismayed to learn today that construction of a shopping mall by a private company directly across from Auschwitz has again commenced after being assured that the construction would not take place.
Dr. Mandell I. Ganchrow, M.D., Orthodox Union President, said “Restarting construction of the shopping mall adjacent to Auschwitz represents a shocking insensitivity to the memory of those who died there. The government of Poland cannot be allowed to pave over this dark period in the history of man. Instead, Polish political and business leaders must rise against those in their society who trivialize the Holocaust by taking responsibility for the tragic events that took place there.
Keeping Auschwitz intact will assure that there is not only a real-life memorial to those who died there, but also a strong remembrance to mankind.
We can never allow people to rise to the cruelty of the Nazi era.”
For additional information, please e-mail or call the IPA office at (212) 613-8128.
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