Press Releases

Posted on May 31, 2000 in Press Releases
OU Hails Israel’s Acceptance into WEOG

The Orthodox Union today applauded the long awaited acceptance of Israel into a United Nations regional group, namely the Western European and Others Group. The Orthodox Union has advocated...

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Israel and the Accords

Ignoring Israel’s numerous redeployments in the West Bank in accordance with the Oslo accords, Milton Viorst (Op-Ed, May 24) does not mention that Israel has, so far, upheld its...

Posted on May 8, 2000 in Press Releases
OU Appreciates Concerns Over Jerusalem

The Jewish people have long held that Jerusalem’s status as the indivisible, eternal capital of the State of Israel is an essential tenet of our religious beliefs and convictions....

Posted on May 4, 2000 in Press Releases
The Passing of Cardinal O’Connor

It is with sorrow that the Orthodox Union mourns the loss of Cardinal John O’Connor, Archbishop of New York, a man whose life was dedicated to uniting the religious...