Schools in Session

Posted on August 27, 2007 In Blog

Looks like it’s education week on the road to the White House. Just prior to the weekend, Mayor Giuliani reiterated, in perhaps the strongest language yet on the campaign trail in recent memory, his support for educational vouchers for sK-12 schooling. And then the State reports the other day that former Senator Edwards and Senator Obama, 2/3 of the Democratic top tier are planning to tour South Carolina’s corridor of shame, a stretch of towns on I-95 with crumbling school buildings and the lowest in the state graduation rate. Interestingly, despite a strong voucher proposal from the State’s Republican governor, Mark Sanford , they chose not even to mention their opposition to the idea. Has the debate on vouchers truly become so partisan that facing a “corridor of shame” they still won’t even utter the words, even to denounce?
