Tuition Tax Credits, which the OU has unabashedly championed as a constitutional way to help struggling parents pay for education expenses of their children in both public and nonpublic schools have been in the news lately. In Iowa, the state’s Catholic Bishops were in the capital recently to urge legislators to reject Gov. Chet Culver’s proposal to cut the credit from 65% to 40% and to cut the program cap from $7.5 million to $5 million.
Further west, in Arizona, efforts are underway to reform the tax credit scholarship program – investigations by the Arizona Republic turned up irregularities in the program. The OU submitted testimony to the Legislature in November urging that reforms be made to ensure the law is followed but that the program – which helps so many in need, remain able to continue its positive track record of proven success.
Finally, Georgia’s program gets a write up in an article on Atlanta’s Catholic schools, noting that next year it will be distributing some $2.8 million in scholarships through that program.