This past Wednesday, the President’s Budget Request for the 2014 Fiscal Year was released, and it proposed no funding of the Nonprofit Security Grant Program.
Since the efforts of the OU/IPA and our coalition partners creating it seven years ago, the NSGP has provided millions of dollars, through modest grants, to assist nonprofits considered by the Secretary of Homeland Security to be at risk and vulnerable to terrorist attack.
The grants are used by these community organizations to improve their physical security, including by the acquisition and installation of perimeter fencing and lighting; video surveillance and x-ray and metal detectors; reinforced or blast resistant doors, locks, and windows; gates and bollards, and related enhancements.
Last Year, $9.7M was allocated to this program, with a significant portion of the funds going towards Jewish nonprofits. Of the 144 nonprofits receiving grants, 97 organizations (or 67%) are affiliated with the Orthodox community.
In response to the President’s budget proposal, Representative Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) is preparing a “dear colleague letter,” asking the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee to allocate $19 million for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, for the 2014 Fiscal Year.
We ask you to contact your Congressman and ask him/her to sign on to the Pascrell “Dear Colleague” regarding Nonprofit Homeland Security Grants.
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