Please urge your legislators to maintain the Office of Safe Schools and expand the programs available to protect students, especially those at at-risk schools.
OU Advocacy Archived actions
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and other US Senators will introduce legislation this week to prohibit the use of American tax dollars to fund the Palestinian Authority (PA) until the...
This week, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced the recipients of the 2016 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). Your school and/or synagogue were one of the organizations...
Please urge Governor Chris Christie to increase funding in his upcoming fiscal year 2016-17 budget to help pay for nursing aid and technology in non-public schools.
The United Nations has shown a clear bias against Israel; during 2016, the UN General Assembly adopted 20 anti-Israel resolutions and just four against other countries: North Korea, Syria,...